Thank you for choosing Riverina Dance Capital Studios.
Please complete this form prior to your attendance at the studio.

Riverina Dance Capital
Studio Hire Enrolment
Under 18 years
Studio Hire Enrolment
Over 18 years
Riverina Dance Capital - Terms & Conditions
I understand that it is the student/parent of students responsibility to disclose all relevant medical conditions, limitations, disabilities, ailments or impairments at time of enrolment.
I understand that it is the student/parent of students responsibility to ensure a copy of any Asthma or Anaphylaxis plans are sent through at time of enrolment. It is also their responsibility to ensure all necessary puffers, preventors, epi pens etc are with them and labelled anytime they are at the studio or event associated with the studio - as well as a physical plan to accompany them.
LIABILITY WAIVER I am fully aware of my own/child’s health and physical limitations and understand the activity I/my child is participating in has the potential to cause injury. I therefore acknowledge my/my child’s participation is at my/their own risk. Although Riverina Dance Capital (RDC) will be diligent, I therefore agree that it is the responsibility of myself/my child to participate within my/their own limitations and capabilities. It will be assumed by all representatives and/or teachers at RDC that I/my child is fit and healthy to participate unless informed otherwise.
With that knowledge, I therefore permit the release of any representative or teacher of RDC from all liability for accidental injury, illness or demise that may result from my/my child’s participation in any classes, workshops, competitions, exams and performances associated with RDC - or in our studios when being hired/used by other parties by agreement.. I therefore assume all risks associated with participating in the classes, performances and workshops and consent participation.
It is understood and agreed that RDC will not be responsible for any loss of personal effects or clothing.
There may be times when the studio takes photography for advertising or educational purposes. If you DO NOT wish for you/ your child to be photographed/filmed, please specify in writing at time of enrolment. If no written advice is received, it will be assumed that you have given permission for your child to be photographed/filmed for this purpose. If no written advice is given, I, therefore give permission for representatives or teachers from RDC to photograph, film and or otherwise record my/my child’s performance in rehearsals, classes, workshops, concerts, demonstrations and any event associated with RDC. I too agree that these images and/or footage may be used for promotional purposes via social media, website, flyers, brochures etc.
There is to be no photography or filming of any RDC class, performance, workshop or event unless done so/permitted by a RDC representative. This is in adherence to our child safety policy.
RDC is committed to the safety and protection of all children in our care. To ensure all children feel safe, happy and valued we have undertaken Child Safe Training with Keep Kids Safe in Dance. We therefore have a statement of commitment to child safety which all staff members of RDC must adhere to. By signing this enrolment form you agree to abide by and respect all child safe policies implemented by RDC.
All students are expected to arrive on time and be courteous and well behaved.
There is zero tolerance for bullying within classes.
No mobile phones or computers may be used during class time.
Please communicate directly with Monique, Anne or Mina regarding any questions or concerns you may have. All communication must be done via email: riverinadancecapital@gmail.com. Please note: all other staff members are required to pass on these questions on your behalf.
Parents/guardians are not allowed to interrupt a class in session. If you would like to enter the class at any time, please knock and wait quietly outside the door until indicated. This is not only for child protection purposes but also to reduce distraction. Dance with Me classes are the only exception to this rule.
Only water is allowed in the studio. No food, drinks, or gum. (Snacks in the waiting area are fine but please no nuts)
Correct dance attire and footwear is to be worn in class. No Jewellery to be worn in class and performances.
Consistent attendance in class is important, particularly in the lead up to exams and performances.
Enrolment is compulsory for all students participating in classes @ RDC. Enrolment fee is $50 (which includes a free studio T shirt)
Tuition Fees: Must be paid within 7 days of invoice. No refund will be given for lack of attendance or change of mind; however, a makeup class can be requested. Delayed payments and unpaid fees place enormous strain on our business. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please discuss with RDC for a payment plan.
For new students, it is understood that weekly payment is required for the two week trial period . However, following this two week period term fees must be paid in full.
All private lessons will incur a 25% cancellation fee - if informed under 24hrs.
Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the class space unless given permission.
I understand and accept that due to the nature of dance training, some physical contact may be necessary by the teacher to demonstrate exercises or technique during class or if there is a need to administer first aid.
I understand and agree to all outlined in the above liability and photography/video/publicity waiver.
I understand and agree that there is to be no photography or filming of any RDC class, performance, workshop or event unless done so/or permitted by a RDC representative.
I understand and agree RDC will not be held liable for any injuries / illnesses that occur from participation in any class, performance, workshop, event held by RDC - or in our studios when being hired/used by other parties by agreement.
I understand and agree to all RDC Childsafe policies, sight unseen.
I understand and agree that choreography used in class is under Copyright and not to be distributed or used outside of RDC.